Trimos Optical Measurement with [TR Scan with DHM sensors]

DHM – Digital Holographic Microscopy Technology

Digital Holographic Microscopy (DHM) is the generation of computer images of a sample using holographic techniques. A hologram results from the interference between the object wave reflected from a sample and magnified by a microscope objective, and a reference wave. Using a laser source, the small angle between the waves exhibits fringes that carry the phase and amplitude information in a single image – the hologram which is captured on a digital camera in a few microseconds. The captured image is transmitted to a computer where numerical procedures are applied to reconstruct a 3D image of the sample. This process is called “image reconstruction”. The innovation of the DHM™ patented technology is the intervention of digital processing at a level that had not been reached so far in microscopy.

Trimos  proposes 14 different Optical Measurement products based on our 5 key technologies: CCMP1 (Chromatic Confocal Microscopy Point 1), CCMP2 (Chromatic Confocal Microscopy Point 2), DHM (Digital Holograhic Microscopy), WLI (White Light Interferometry) and CCML1 (Chromatic Confocal Microscopy Line).