Optimos Sinowon Vision Measuring Machine (OP-iVS Series)

  • Model: iTouch / iFocus / iVision
  • High precision marble base and pillar ensures the high stability of vision measuring system;
  • High precision toothless rod and fast moving locking device ensures repeatability error is less than 2um;
  • High precise working stage with 0.5um optical linear scales ensures the accuracy is less than 2.5+L/200um;
  • High definitive detent zoom lens and high resolution color camera ensures clear image without distortion;
  • With programmable surface 4-ring 8-division LED Cold Illumination and contour LED telecentric illumination and built-in intelligent light adjustment, it can automatic control the brightness in the 4-ring 8-division;
  • Z-axis focus is motorized by the DC servo motor and it is adjustable by the software;
  • Britain touch trigger probe and powerful function iMeasuring3.1 3D Measuring Software, highly enhance the quality control;